Thursday, May 28, 2009

Vlade, Logan Sibbet, Anderson Varejao and the Cardiac Kid

After pouring milk on himself this morning, Mak had some better moments the rest of the day. Thanks to Kip for his comments on the previous post. It helps those of us who've seen him every day to get the perspective of those who haven't. During my visit with Mak this evening, Adam Zettel, Brian King, and Kirsten Vann stopped by. Brian engaged him in conversation about his semester in Rome, and Mak told him about seeing Vlade at the Vatican. Some of you may have seen a photo of Mak with Vlade on Facebook. Mak also mentioned other Rome place names. We started talking about Park Terrace and Mak's Suburban Swim League rivals. Mak reacted to some of the names both positively and negatively, then suddenly mentioned Logan Sibbet, then Jordan Moncrief. He didn't elaborate, but he obviously has some memories in there somewhere. I'm not sure if he was thinking of when Logan got stuffed inside a locker by Tyler Tratten and Mike Ottersen or racing against him in the 100 free up at Sierra. The good times with Jordan are too numerous to even speculate about.

Later when Mak and I were watching the basketball game, I asked him if Varejao was from Argentina, and he said, "Brazil". A little research shows he's right. He also read the "Quicken Loans" name on the arena floor. I told him the Kings failed to get the 1st draft choice, and asked who he thought they might get withthe 4th pick. He said maybe Thabeet from Connecticut or the guard from Syracuse, who are both realistic possibilities. So far Mak has not generated converstion, only responded to questions or comments from others. He's very interested in eating and visiting the bathroom, but his performance in both those activities doesn't match the energy he shows anticipating them. Oh, he also called me "Dad" as he dismissed me from the bathroom.

Yesterday they decided Mak no longer needed to be in the ICU and he was moved to Cardiac Care, where they can still monitor his heart. The spikes in his heart rate appear to be the only thing keeping him from being transferred to the rehab facility in Vallejo. They'll wait until at least tomorrow before OK'ing the transfer.


  1. This is a wonderful posting. Tells both sides of Mak's condition. He def. has some work to be done, but, the other side is that he hasn't lost all that is buried in his head. It is just a matter of getting it to all flow smoothly now. No surprise that sports would be in the front runnings of his memory.

  2. This is all such great news!! Mak were thinking of you back in CT!! love the DONOVANS

  3. Wow I just had an amazing phone conversation with Mak! He called me- with my dad's phone and after some prompting I'm sure- and asked what I was up to (not really sure if he knew who i was). I said I was at work in Seattle, he said, "Oh work." I asked what he was up to. He said, "I'm just waiting around at Kasier for the battle. The battle between Ben Hur and some Amazons." Hilarious! No idea where that thought came from but that's ok. He knew he was at Kaiser. After that he spoke in full clear sentences and he responded thoughtfully to my questions. He mentioned having a trauma and that he can't remember, but he is recovering now. I told him that he sounded great on the phone and he said, "my speech is improving." I told him that I was coming to see him next weekend. He said "ok, well I'll see you at the ocean (?)."

    I also asked him if he knew his cousin Tasha was bringing him a Cali burrito and he laughed and said, "I heard that might be a possibility." I talked to my dad for a minute, only to be interrupted by Tasha's arrival and the unveiling of the burrito. My dad had to go so he could take pictures:) Can't wait to see how Mak enjoyed his first California Burrito No Pico in weeks!!

  4. The burrito was well received...lots of green sauce and a orange gaterade to wash it down. And of course photos of Mak eating the burrito.

  5. This message is for Joan: Your former student Adam Eisner who is teaching PE at Nicholas Elem. said to tell you "Hi and that all your students are thinking of you." The blog address was passed on.
    Patty T.

  6. Dave,
    When is a good time to visit? I'm watching the West kids this week and I want to talk to them about coming and seeing Mak. I would love to see him. I have been thinking of your entire family during this time.

