Friday, May 22, 2009

Step By Step

It's been two eventful days for Mak. Yesterday he was extubated, but had to have an oxygen mask on for the rest of the day to assure a successful transition to breathing on his own. He was very agitated, hardly resting or sleeping last night, and keeping the nurses and his parents busy. He did a lot of talking, but we understood none of it through the mask. His eyes are open most of the time, but communication is sporadic. He understands some of what we're saying, but isn't focusing very much on us. Today (Friday) he has only supplementary oxygen and no more suction tubes in his chest or intestine ( fewer things to piss him off and pull out). Today he was much calmer, and carrying on a monologue of what's going through his head. He's literally chatting away quite a bit, with a small portion of the words intelligible. Even so, it was very encouraging to hear him say a few complete sentences, such as "I can't wait to get rid of ....." and " I'm not really sure what ..." He also clearly repeated the name of a country singer he heard Dave Koken mention at his bedside. Late in the day the nurse's assistant helped him hold a cup and take a few sips of water. The CNA also told me Mak would be sitting before the end of the day. Sure enough, when I returned from the cafeteria later, there was Mak in a chair sitting up. He didn't look like he was having a great time, but, nonetheless, sitting is better than lying down. Fred (the CNA) also said Mak would be walking in 2 or 3 days. Let's hope he's right. Since his digestive system seems to be OK, they're starting him on solid food. His pneumonia looks better as well. While Mak has taken some positive steps, I think Joan and I realize it's going to be a long road and an uncertain future. For now we're hoping Mak will be well enough to transfer to Sacramento by Tuesday or sooner.


  1. We were told of Mak's accident and the challenges he faces about 48 hours ago. Just wanted to let you know how very much we wish we could be there to offer huge hugs. We are also thrilled to see the progress he's made. Very much appreciate everyone's efforts to keep us in the loop.
    Joan, Dave, Emma and Mak -- we love you dearly. Between you and all the concern and caring on this thread, there's every reason to be upbeat about Mak's return to good health, and the successful launch of Dave's writing career.

  2. Dave - Thanks for keeping everyone posted. I'm very pleased to hear about Mak's progress. Step by step, one day at a time.

  3. Andrew, Jeff Jelsma and I had a great visit with Mak yesterday. He was very active and was observing everything around... sometimes he would respond to our questions while looking us in the eyes. When he couldn't respond to a question, he became frustrated... which is definitely a good thing. He's very eager to get better and it's easy to tell that he's working real hard at healing.

    He's got a ways to go, but I have no doubt that he's on the right track!
