Monday, May 11, 2009

To tube or not to tube, that is the question

Mak's currently in surgery. Prior to taking him down, a discussion was held whether or not to put the feeding tube directly into his stomach rather than adding another tube through his nose or mouth. The doctors said no. They said there is no need, they feel that he should be feeding with out the assistance of the feeding tube very soon. Great news.

In the mean time the family got a chance to speak to a woman who has been dealing with brain injury cases for over 30 years. She is going to make sure that he gets the very best care in Sacramento. He will spend some time recoverying in a Kaiser Sacramento hospital (shooting for Kaiser Morse) and then he will move down to Vallejo to an neuro recovery live-in facility.

There they will do one-on-one and group therapy classes. Well all have the opportunity to visit with ease and KT (Mak's dog) will also get to visit, which is huge. Mak adores KT, needless to say. He could be there for weeks, month possibly, all depends on how he progresses in therapy. Once they feel he is well enough to go home, he will need to be monitor to insure that he is not in danger of hurting himself.

Keep in mind that he could bounce back as Mak or it could take some time to retrain his brain. But all is promising news.


  1. Re: feeding tube

    Does this mean he's expected to be able to eat on his own soon? meaning awake-ish?

  2. What is the timeline for his transfer to Vallejo? Days, weeks, months? I live in Vallejo and would love to host people that want to visit him when he is transferred there.

  3. Mak, one day you're gonna be reading through this blog. Just know how much everyone really cares about you... it's remarkable the impact you've had on people.

    I also can't wait to laugh with you about the flip-off incident. Well played, sir.

  4. Brandon,
    They are estimating about 3 weeks in Sacramento once he is transferred from Oakland, then on to Vallejo. Thank you for the offer of a place to stay, we may very well take you up on it.

    for the 804,
    Since he had his small intestines operated on, he now has a feeding tube in. Standard procedure for this type of surgery. No time frame for eating on his own at this point. The wakening process is slow and takes time, but things are progressing well.
