Monday, May 11, 2009

Transport and a Leak

Just got word from the hospital that Mak received the okay to be transfered to Sacramento based on his brain condition, but the CT scan of his abnominal area maybe putting things on hold. It seems there is fluid leaking in his body and they need to locate the leak and mend it. A minor surgery, but will need to keep him in Oakland for an additonal 48 hours.

He does have pnemonia, but this is not uncommon when on a ventilator. His fever is around 99 which is not alarming. He is breathing well on his own and the ventilator is their to assist him, if needed. The swelling in his eye has gone down some. He is moving about, turning his head and has opened his eyes a few time today.
So things look good at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting all this information, it's much appreciated
