Sunday, May 24, 2009

Every Day Is Different

Well, two more days gone by and still no two alike. On Saturday Mak seemed to be continuing slow progress. Lorna came to say good-bye before taking off on her month long European tour (nice to have relatives in Ireland and friends in London [JFong] and Paris). Mak looked right at her and talked in what almost looked like normal conversation for a few minutes. Not sure exactly what he was saying, but he definitely focused directly on Lorna. Later he wasn't too happy sitting in a chair and appeared listless, but perked up a bit when Kip, Andrew and Jeff visited in the afternoon. Around 7:00pm his nurse Romy and his mom noticed his face getting red and his body getting warm. As efforts to cool him down weren't working, his heart rate suddenly shot up to 200. His parents just about freaked out as several doctors and nurses scrambled over to him. He was responding to the doctors the whole time and within about 10 minutes the problem was fixed with medication, but not before Joan and I both thought we might lose him right then. I'm still not sure my own heart rate is back to normal. The cause of the sudden spike is unknown. Maybe a low magnesium level? That's all that showed on the lab tests.

Mak has shown over this weekend that he knows when he has to go to the bathroom and tries to get out of bed to go and do just that. Unfortunately, there are no bathrooms in the ICU, so the nurses are using a number of strategies to deal with that issue.

This morning we walked in at 10:30 to find Mak chatting with the nurses about football. He never played football, but he was telling them in completely clear words about playing and getting workouts ready for his team, etc. When Joan asked him if he knows who we are, he said, "I think I've seen you before." He answered another of Joan's questions by saying, "I can't do everything for you." The Shellys stopped in to say hello when Mak was pretty lively and also as Dr. Sadegi declared him ready for any type of food. Luckily Claudia had fresh baked chocolate chip cookies in hand, and Mak enjoyed his first solid food besides jello in the last 18 days. He was in heaven as he ate a whole cookie and washed it down with a cup of apple juice.

He rested most of the rest of the day, but awoke for awhile in the early evening and responded to having a marker and piece of paper offered to him. He wrote a few words and letters, then wrote "GO BEARS". He even did it a second time. So, we see some good things going on. The language is clearer, but we don't know where the ideas are coming from. Even when he's been clearest , he's kind of distracted and unsure. I suspect he's struggling to make sense of things. We'll learn more about his condition, the rehab process, and his chances for recovery over the next days and weeks.


  1. After the scary news it's good to hear that Mak is doing better again. A boy i know got in a major bike accident and was in a coma for 2 or 3 weeks. When he woke up he couldn't remember anyone or anything after, but through music, movies, and other key moments or events he started to slowly regain everything back (my friend Sam went to visit him and told him about a concert of a band they both love and he said oh yeah you would like my friend Sam, he loves minus the bear too). It's been about a little over a year now and he recently got his job back, began biking again, and has his life all back to normal. I know Mak is tough and will fight through this. Knowing that little things are coming back is such a good sign. Thinking about and praying for him every day and will be there as soon as I get back to Sac. Tell him even in Santa Barbara we're all thinking about him always and sending our love. Can't wait to come visit when I come home. I'll bring our pictures from when I visited in Italy.


  2. this blog is amazing, thank you guys for taking the time to update it so often. it sounds like mak is progressing slowly but surely, you guys all remain in my thoughts

    kate whisenhunt

  3. Football = soccer in Mak's mind. Being a Chelsea supporter he using the Brits terminology.

    Glad to hear we are moving in the right direction.

    Love you all!

    Cousin Jada & Derek, Auntie Pattie, Uncle Mo, and 2 hairy dogs

    Stay positive - Unlike Chelsea - Mak is always a champion!!!


  4. It sounds like the good news is starting to outweigh the bad. I'm glad he's finally able to communicate verbally..wish I had been there for that. Thanks again, Dave, for the blog updates. I will be in touch about visiting toward the end of June. Sending my love!
