Thursday, May 14, 2009

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee...

Along with his new outfit, Mak is now sporting what look like boxing gloves on each hand. He has proven to be very strong and the gloves prevent him from pulling out tubes or scratching at his wound from surgery. Because he has been extubated and no longer requires an IV drip of continuous sedatives, he is very agitated and restless. The nurses continue to try different drugs every hour or so that will calm him down and let him rest and heal. We don't know if he is in pain, uncomfortable, itchy, frustrated, or his brain is just making him move. We think he calmed down to his family's voices, so we will continue to be by his bedside today. We will let everyone know when it is a good time for visitors.


  1. First off I would like to say that you & Tasha are doing an excellent job at keeping all of Mak's friends and family up to speed.

    It has been very difficult for The Emery's / Kunkels to be so far away from the family during this time, but atleast we can count on the regular updates. We wish you all the best.

    Also - The headers of all the posting are great!

    As for MAK - he's always been a fighter - and I have no doubt he will fight through this.

  2. Yeah, the posts are awesome you guys. I told Allison this, but I wanted to tell you guys too... I feel like someone should tell him he doesn't have to get up right away and to rest and take his time. He may be squirming because he's stressing and wants to be back with us sooner than his body will let him...?

    But I dunno, just a thought. I could imagine it being stressful if you wanted to wake up and you knew people were talking to you but you couldn't, you know?
