Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Boy is Back in Town

Mak has finally made it back to Sac. After a few delays, lots of sad goodbyes with the nurses, and a late ambulance pick up, Mak was transferred to Kaiser on Morse Ave. He now has his own small room in the ICU. His lungs and stomach are doing much better and the nurse thinks that Mak should be moved to rehab in the next few days. They want to make sure he is stable for a few days (no more jumps in heart rate) until they are ready to move him to the next step in his recovery- rehab in Vallejo.

Mak's body is healing nicely, and it seems that his brain is trying to catch up. He is regaining memories, but they are jumbled together and he is not always aware of what is going on in the moment. He often thinks he is at the pool and doesn't always know who his parents are. But, when dad was filling out paperwork and asked Mak for his social security number, he recited it with ease. He could also name all the characters in Gladiator when he watched it in the ICU the other day.

Mak is understandably showing some anger and frustration about the situation, but has also shown quite a bit of humor. When the doctors said their farewell to him yesterday and asked what he was going to do for the summer, Mak gave a mischievious little grin and said, "I'm going to have margaritas." He's getting pretty good at the one liners.

As of right now, we don't know the policy on visitors and Mak has been sleeping a lot, so friends in Sac, please standby.


  1. I'm so thrilled to hear of Mak's progress. It sounds like everyday he is getting back some of his memory. (especially if he can remember his social security #.) That's amazing!

    Get that man a burrito - California style, no pico.

  2. Excellent... could you post on the blog when us Sactos can visit him pretty please?
