Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Step

Mak was a bit sluggish during Brandon and Tom's visit today, but later he talked on the phone to Emma in Seattle and me in Sac. I don't think he understood exactly who he was talking to, but he carried on short conversations and referred to the lady in the room with him (Joan) as "Mom." He also flirted all day with the very cute sitter and ate almost a whole tray of food.

Leah, best wishes, not "beat wishes." Sorry.


  1. This is amazing news!!!! How exciting!

  2. It was so great to talk to Mak yesterday! When my mom put him on the phone, he started talking about being at the pool. I asked him if he was lifeguarding and he said, "No, not right now." I told him about going to graduation and asked if he liked the posters and pictures in his room. He responded a little, but it is hard to understand what he is saying. It mostly sounds like he is exhausted and half falling asleep. I asked him if the nurses were being nice to him and he said, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone has been really nice to me here." I asked if he was sitting with mom. He said, "No... but she was sitting across from me a little bit ago." I told him to just rest and get better and that we loved him and at the end of the conversation he said, "Ok, I'll see you next weekend." He also said, "thank you very much" to me a few times. He's so polite:) I don't know if he knew who he was talking to, but he is sounding much clearer and starting to remember things. So exciting!

  3. We are very fortunate to have him where he is now. This is all great news and I'm really looking forward to him coming to Sacramento. Any news on when that might be happening?

  4. I wanted to swing by for a visit before I packed for home but I suddenly got sick with a cold :( I hope to make a trip to Highland or Sacramento to see how he's doing in a week. Keep the good news coming!

  5. Cell phones have helped bridge the gap. Thank you modern technology, you have made the family feel closer to Mak by the click of the send button.

  6. Yea that's my boy ... get soooooooomeeeeeee!

  7. How very encouraging...great job Mak! Susie

