Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mak Wows I.C.U.

Mak continued his improved responsiveness today. Amy got a solid thumb's up and a wave good-bye when she had to leave. Two of the doctors involved with Mak, who were skeptical of his abilities, were very impressed when he answered nurse Alicia with his hand and his expression. Then he joined the conversation when he heard John Murphy's name mentioned by shaking his head yes to indicate he knew him. This was a response to what he heard, without even being asked a question directly. The doctors also thought his eyes looked quite clear and focused. For the next half hour Mak was the talk of he ICU as word spread of his progress.

He's was breathing pretty well on his own today, and there was talk of his being extubated soon. However, that will be tricky because he has serious pneumonia in his left lung. The suction of the bad stuff from his lung stops when the breathing tube comes out, so he has to be ready to clear (cough up) that stuff on his own before they pull it. We'll have to see how he's doing tomorrow and how soon he can consistently follow commands, or do what the nurses ask him to do. So far he's a bit sporadic, not exactly obedient in that regard. If necessary he'll stay on the suction tube for awhile longer, which delays his being able to verbalize. After Saturday's crash, they're watching his chest closely and being very careful.

Thank you to all who've been visiting, sending cards and messages, and generally supporting Mak and our family. It's been a great help. Congratulations to two of today's Cal grads, Dave Koken and Allison Louie. Best wishes to Leah as she returns to Cashmere, WA. We hope to see her again with Mak back in Sacramento.


  1. Thank you so much for this website so we all can support Mak from around the country. All of our prayers and support are with him and his family


  2. It's so good to hear about Mak's progress. Stay strong Mak! I'm thinking of you all & sending love and good thoughts your way.

  3. I have a gift for Mak when he gets back to Sacramento. It just might even top the swan!

  4. It's great to hear news of Mak's progress. Thank you for the updates. We're cheering you on from Sacramento.

  5. Brian and I start everyday with the Mak Show [it is much better than Good Day Sac].David, Joan and Emma don't forgot how important you guys are to us too.
