Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sooner Than Expected

Mak is making amazing progress. Every day since he moved to Sacramento he's improved. It looks as if his stay in Vallejo will be less than two weeks and more like 5 days. Right now we think he'll be coming home on Saturday, because the work he needs can be done as out patient and at home. Sorry, Brandon, I don't know if we'll get to see you in Vallejo - maybe Saturday? Even though Mak's personality and much of his memory is back, there's much more ahead for full recovery. Based on the last week, however, I'm allowing myself to think in terms of weeks and months instead of months and years. As I told Connie Sarkisian this morning, all the prayers and good thoughts are working. In fact, very soon Mak may be writing the entries on this blog himself. Thank you again to all who have been pulling for Mak. He knows a lot of people have been supporting him and us.


  1. best post yet. way to hang in there, mak and family! so many people will be grinning ear to ear at this one! :)

  2. that's so amazing to hear. so happy things are working out like they should.

  3. When I talked with Mak on the phone the other day I stressed how WONDERFUL his friends have been and how so many people have been thinking about him and reading his blog everyday. He told me he'd have to start writing thank you cards. I don't know if he realizes just how many people he'd have to write to:)

  4. Well to my last caluculations a minimum of 870 cards would need to be written and that is only facebook people, there all those locals who haven't logged his hand is going to be sore.

  5. I am hoping to get to see Mak in Vallejo on Friday...but if he beats me to it, I can't wait to see him in Sacramento! This is all such great news and wonderful steps in the right direction!

  6. this is truly blessed Mac is...we should have a "Block-Welcome Home Party! Susie

  7. I'm just so thankful that he has made some a huge leap to recovery.

    Mak - Hope you didn't injure your hand because I WANT a thank you card...haha

    Just kidding - having you back is enough!

    I also just wanted to say thank you to all of his dedicated friends. Everyone played a major role in Mak's recovery. Without all the love & support, you never know where we would be today.
