Monday, June 8, 2009

I'd like to phone a friend

Wanted to touch base with all of the Mak-a-cronies (totally cheezy I know) about what the man has been up to. He has settled in quiet well in home sweet home Sacramento. He has acclimated to the non-hospital food, service and clothing. Mak has also played a few rounds of Scrabble and whooped his opponents butts. No shocker there!

He was pleasantly surprised by a visit from his sister from Seattle for the weekend. She certainlty helped pass the time on the couch between tennis matches. Mak still has a few doctor appointments pending, but nothing major, just check ups.

For all of you who want to visit, the gates of Mak-dom are open. Please call a family member in advance. We'd hate for you to make the trip, only to find him either sleeping or out on the town with the family. (As some may have already experienced.)


  1. Tasha - Way to steal my line - "Sweet Home Sacramento" - I always knew you admired your little sister.

    Glad to hear that Mak is getting accustomed to the fine foods and hospitality of his own home. Nothing beats your own bed and your own bathroom.

  2. I will be back from Santa Barbara the 23-27 and would love to come visit Mak sometime then. I don't have any other family members phone number but if there is any way I can do that please let me know!

    -Lauren Silverman

  3. Shoot me and email and I will give you all the digits you need. (I am Mak's cousin)

  4. How's Mak doing? I need another update!
