Thursday, June 25, 2009

IMac you Mak, we all love Mak

Mak is doing very well these days. He is still struggling with the healing of his abnominal area. Nothing like getting a man version of a c-scection and then having to wait it out on the couch for 10 weeks. His left elbow and knee are still sore, but hopefully some physical therapy will get him back in the swing of things.

As for the good old noggin...the scar on his left eye is barely visible. The doctors say that because we know Mak is extremely intelligent (that may be questionable), he needs to get back to exercising his brain, so he doesn't settle for being an average joe. An occupational therapist suggested he learn a new language or take upan activity like tai-chi. Mak is currently looking into taking some pre-reqs in the fall for grad school...pretty cool huh.

The big dilema now is...Mak wants his Mac back. He sent his computer off for repair and now he waits. In the mean time you can find him making cookies in the kitchen, watching sports center or soccer on the couch, or helping me wrangle my two kids out at lunch. Needless to say, we are all trying to get things back to normal.

It is remarkable how well Mak is doing considering what he went through, but he is not completely recovered. Mak still has a few tests and appointments to determine what parts of the mind need to be worked on. Even without any tests, we know he needs to work on patience, concentration, and not becoming easily aggravated- all things expected with his type of head injury. In time, he'll get there.


  1. In due time I will have Mak up here posting his own blogs. Maybe if we are lucky he will saddle up for a video clip blog.

  2. I haven't been on the blog in quite some time but I'm glad I checked back in on it!

    It looks like Mak is still amazing everyone with his recovery. Keep up the good work Mak!

  3. Hi Mak family! :)
    How has he been doing these last few weeks?

  4. Mak is still going strong. It is crazy how you would have no idea anything had happen, minus the scars; which he shows proudly. They are his battle wounds that have a story to be told.

    It is absolutely amazing how well he has recovered. He understands the seriousness of his accident and has grasped how luck he really is. It just shows how positive energy from friends and family help the healing process. Although I am sure he is tired of seeing me, but that is toooo bad cuz.
